Who in their right mind celebrates the words that promise, "You're going to suffer, but ..." Certainly not I. In fact, I would prefer an easier path. One filled with butterflies instead of hornets, Lilacs instead of Poison Ivy, pain-free, debt-free ... abundance. The path I imagine is one out of some fantasy where weeds are unable to grow, little children can sit and play with ferocious lions fearlessly, and no one has ever heard of conflict.
Sounds so beautiful.
Wouldn't it be better if the God, who has chosen, fashioned, called, and created us, simply made our lives easier to follow Him?
Couldn't He stop the war in our mind that wants to both have faith like a child and understand everything at the same time?
He could. And He does. We will see and understand when we complete our journey on this earth, where suffering will remain.
Suffering is not permitted past the threshold of eternity.
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