Monday, October 7, 2024

Faith Like Epsom Salt

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

~Hebrews 11: 6 NKJV 

In case you were wondering, my favorite flower is the Lilac. One year, for my birthday, my mother-in-law bought a Lilac bush I could plant to hide the neighbor's energy meter. I was thrilled. Anticipation of the bush's beauty flooded in.

I dug the hole, placed the baby bush in the ground, and covered and watered it. Then I waited.

And waited.

 ... and waited. 

It became apparent to me that this bush would not be a successful venture for me. Some had teased, saying wooden tulips couldn't survive under my care. So, it would stand to reason ... if the words were true.

I hated to see this bush fail to thrive under my care. And I talked to someone about it, saying it was sad because I knew there was clay under the dirt and an impossible situation for a baby bush.

This person had some knowledge of plants and soil, as she spent hours in her own garden, learning from her friend who also loved to learn horticultural facts and remedies. So when she suggested Epsom Salt, I initially drew an invisible question mark on my forehead, then decided it wouldn't hurt. The bush wasn't doing well, and would likely not make it.

I went to the store, bought the Epsom salt, and spread it around the base of the bush as instructed. And I waited. And watered. And the fledgling bush didn't die that summer. 

The next spring, the bush didn't bloom when the other bush in my neighborhood did, so I wondered if it had been too late. Then, a week after the other bush was done blooming, my bush began opening the most beautiful and fragrant flowers. What I learned was that the Epsom salt broke down the clay so the root system could bypass the bedrock to fertile soil below.

And so it was, for 20 years. Every spring, the other bush would finish its fragrant offerings, and mine would step in. Sitting in my yard was one of my favorite things to do when I went to read or pray.

It's been 6 years since I've been able to sit and enjoy the fragrance of that bush. God has blessed our family more than I realize most of the time.

The other day, my son was talking about our faith, and how, like the bush, we need to break through the hard clay beneath the surface. At times, we might think our faith is floundering, when in reality, it may be pushing roots past bedrock to more fertile soil beneath. 

Discipline, steadfastness, a will to hold on when everything in you feels like letting go, determination, and a decision that the Bible is true cover to cover will help to sustain you as the process continues.

Faith that goes deep, understanding that no matter what, God is good, is what will hold us together when life wants to rip us apart or fully uproot from the ground where we're planted.

It is from this place where our souls will say, "It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect." ~Psalms 18:32 NKJV

Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
~Psalms 92:13 NKJV


  1. What a beautiful word Karlene!

  2. What a beautiful analogy! A true to life experience and thinking about it makes me feel very happy to know the creator of all things. Deeply rooted are the words of God to the very core of our being. What hope, what joy and a complete sense of purpose and understanding even when we don’t see at the start we have this confidence that it will happen. God is soooo good all the time. Love 💕 this blog and you too.

    1. Thanks so much, Barb. God is faithful. Always.

  3. Beautiful!!❤️

    1. I’m so glad you could stop by. 💕

  4. Loved the analogy that your son gave. Lilac bushes are my husbands favorite. I love them too. You have a gift. Keep writing for the Lord. Love u

    1. Thank you, Theresa. Your encouragement means so much.

  5. Good, good word, Karlene! I had recently heard that Epsom salt is helpful for the soil, and I'm glad I read this, as we have clay in our garden too! Thank you for sharing. :)


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