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 The Cambridge Dictionary defines the phrase "in the weeds" as having so much work that one finds it difficult to deal with something. It further describes this phrase as being concerned with small details, often preventing one from understanding what is important. (2024)

Often, one is said to be "in the weeds" when they are in over their head, overwhelmed, or lacking in experience and/or readiness for any given task.

There are many days when I find myself feeling that I am in the weeds. That so many things of. this world are draping about my shoulders like a heavy cloak, weighing me down, sapping my energy, clogging my ability to think clearly which results in slow or inappropriate responses. 

Scripture tells me I am not alone in this. But like many, I often feel like I am alone. 

If this describes you, in any way, you've come to the right place. I hope you'll find encouragement here.

Cambridge Dictonary (2024). In the weeds. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/in-the-weeds

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