But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6 NKJV
The Finish Line
They told me it was just a few more feet ... miles ago.
Were they lying because they didn't think I would notice, or that I would be so glad for the outcome that their deception wouldn't matter?
Or, did they truly believe what they said?
Whatever the answer, I can tell you my feet are bloody from the journey. My knees too, because once my feet gave out, all I had left was a crawl. See my hands? Raw. My knuckles are gnarled from arthritis setting in 10,000 miles ago. I don't know if they'll ever be soft and pain-free again.
Nevertheless, the journey is worth it.
My first glimpse of victory was small, distant ... much like the cloud a fist's size spoken of in Elijah's day (1). It was a promise. All the hope I needed to take another step. Move another foot.
Each foot became a mile. Every mile, a milestone. At each milestone, I could hear my predecessors cheering me on to the next: "You can do this!" My heart could hear them call from heaven.
Do they really call from heaven?
I don't know, but memories of them from childhood echo their cheers long after they've gone home to Glory. I'll hold onto these glimpses into their wisdom and their praise from yesteryear.
Besides, it's their words that propel me forward. Their unconditional love has shown me the way. It'll be their devotion to our Savior that keeps me looking to the Cross for comfort as well as discipline; because, if not for the Cross, I wouldn't know true love and devotion. I wouldn't know that the pain and discouragement crowding my judgment over the past years -- cancer, stroke, death, pain, infirmity, loss, broken relationships and bank accounts -- was momentary in comparison to eternity.
If allowed, the brokenness of this life can burden us with the trials we face (2); so, we must always remind ourselves that having persevered under trial, we will "receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him" (3).
Believe me, or don't. My journey is far from over. When I do cross the finish line, feet in shreds, knees bloody, hands gnarled by arthritis, all things will be made new, every tear wiped away, and the greatest victory celebration will begin -- for eternity.
(1) I Kings 18:44
(2) John 16:33
(3) James 1:12
You wrote this?? Amazing, great read